“100 things to do and what NOT to do” by Tanisha Cook (Copyright)
In celebration of Black History Month, founder Dr. Carter G. Woodson
Part 1 - Things to do (try to make them habits)
1. Study your history (where did you come from)
2. Reconnect with your family tree
3. Go to a Black History Event
4. Spend more time with your family discussing black accomplishments
5. Being kind to your neighbor that you don’t normally talk to. (be wise)
6. Say hello to strangers/show yourself to be friendly
7. Set education goals
8. Set career goals
9. Teach your children to respect the laws of the land
10. Give a gift to a long distant relative
11. Join the Parents Teachers Association
12. Began a family reunion
13. Start a reading club in your neighborhood or dwelling
14. Get knowledge of how your country works
15. Get involved in the right things
16. Learn personal development strategies
17. Be kind to your boss and your coworkers/ show them that we are more then just attitudes.
18. Establish family togetherness through recreation
19. Kick a bad habit
20. Get fit and healthy
21. Cook more then you go out (great on the pockets)
22. Gain mental clarity of your life
23. Go after projects & promotions on your job
24. Become a mentor for someone
25. Meet up with an old friend
26. Show that you love your in-laws (give them a gift)
27. Start a business
28. Listen before speaking
29. Learn to speak another language
30. Establish Home and Automobile ownership
31. Be a community leader
32. Write down your goals
33. Write down what you put in your mouth and read labels
34. Meet the politicians in your area (find out what they are up to, its your money)
35. Donate to charities and give bountifully
36. Check your credit report
37. Buy new Bed linen for a happy sleep
38. Learn to settle down (there’s not much out there)
39. Mind your own business (unless its concerning you)
40. Get educated about health dangers
41. Forgive someone or a lot of people (whatever your status is)
42. Go to School or back to school (In class or online)
43. Stay on top of the computer age
44. Volunteer at a nursing home for one day a month (we all get old)
45. Use less plastic (checks are still on the map)
46. Groom (care about how you look)
47. Visit doctor/dentist
48. Go travel to another country
49. Web Surf (billions of information)
50. Leave a positive name for yourself for generations to come
Part 2 – What NOT to do
(You only got one life, make the best out of it)
1. Bring down your community
2. Argue with neighbors (learn to be humble)
3. Eat without your children at dinner time
4. Break your promise to friends/loved ones/associates
5. Slack at work (Don’t you have bills)
6. Spend above your means
7. Get upset about small things
8. Hang around the wrong crowd
9. Loiter in places of business
10. Cursing/Swearing
11. Jail hopping
12. Bar hopping
13. Party hopping
14. Mate hopping
15. Drunken with Alcohol and other illegal drugs (especially while driving)
16. Exchange bodily fluids with different people
17. Get Evicted (often for some of you)
18. Change phone companies numerous times
19. Give creditors the run around (man up or woman up)
20. Blame society
21. Blame another race for your problems
22. Use the government instead of using your mind for elevation
23. Sell illegal drugs
24. Carry illegal fire arms (get licensed)
25. Become jealous of your neighbor/kin or co-worker
26. Worry about what people think of you
27. Neglect the Ten Commandments
28. Become a menace in your neighborhood
29. Hurt your spouse (in anyway)
30. Bless to impress (give from the heart)
31. Boast (everything is but for a season)
32. Lust for some one else’s mate
33. Spread rumors (you have a personal life too)
34. Scorn the disadvantaged
35. Laugh at the handicapped
36. Store up what you can’t spend (greed)
37. Be a hermit
38. Reject life saving Knowledge
39. Give up on life
40. Have your children teach you what you should know already
41. Have children that you can’t afford
42. Be a know it all
43. Become a lawsuit King/Queen
44. Except a negative credit score without doing anything about it
45. Listen to the wrong things (from family and friends)
46. Bounce checks
47. Harbor the past (hurt and such)
48. Have an excuse for everything
49. Lie to loved ones and others (signs of a coward)
50. Become vain (over the top)
This will be a 200 + page paperback book, due out soon.
The first part of the book reflects Dr. Carter G. Woodson’s remarkable background and accomplishments.
The second part will depict the accomplishments of Past & Present Black Americans.
The third part is cartoons showing what people should and should not do, illustrated by animated black characters.
It will be “very funny” (a TBS slogan)… yes I’m thinking about having television exposure for this book and the others that I’m getting ready to publish, including the greeting cards.
I’m looking for a cartoonist now.